Friday, March 19, 2010


"I have been miserable for so long that I've forgotten how is it like to be happy"

anon. 2009

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

ryan sohmer ftw

" Where is it written that Mondays must suck? And where is the follow up passage, where it states Mondays must suck super hard?

As I sit here in the office, in a giant puddle of water half a foot deep, this is what I’m thinking of. As the maintenance and cleaning staff do their best to both clean the office and discover where exactly the water keeps coming from, I wonder how many times the Blind Ferret head office needs to be flooded before we’re legally zoned as a body of water.

As I look down, at the fish nibbling at my feet, I’m forced to ask myself: Is life better, down where it’s wetter?

- Because I can. "

I find this absolutely hilarious.. I don't know about you but I think that this guy is a gem.